Saturday, September 26, 2009

The UN and its Security Council: Time for change

Over six months ago, I wrote on this blog that I am yet to understand why most supposed media experts, communicators, political scientists and diplomats turn to misuse the appellation international community. I said so because most often, the supposed powerful countries team up with their allies and want to call those who defy them as, defiling the international community and unfortunately, this is always largely relayed by the media and the so-called global media.

Nevertheless, when one enters into the politics of media and editorial policies, then one may understand why some media prefer the line they chose to take.

The United Nations General Assembly, which has almost 200 members, is the only body whose decision warrants the appellation “international community” and such a decision can only be that of the majority.

It therefore beats one’s imagination and that of several other critics why some countries grouped under what is referred to as the Security Council with veto powers, claim to take decisions and want to impose them on the real international community.

On the contrary, members of the same body have violated the so-called international community and aggressed others with devastating consequences we have now. Radicalism, terror, fear, hatred, hunger, strife for the aggressed, contrasting to booming economic activities for the aggressors. These are the characteristics of the work of the permanent members of the Security Council and their allies.

The speech of the Libya leader Muammar Gaddafi during the 64 General Assembly of the UN held in New York in September 2009 and calling for the radical modification of the UN Security Council among other praiseworthy demands is worth taking seriously. Praising such a speech and calling for a real revolution does not mean one condones his overstay in power or support radical religious beliefs because mixing the two while commenting on the speech of Gaddafi may lead us to a wrong direction or conclusion.


The promotion of peace, democracy, human rights and freedom and the granting of so-called veto rights to some countries grouped under what is called permanent members of the UN Security council is in itself disturbing.

Members of this group have used their power either to block sanctions on some states and this has had serious repercussions on human rights, democracy and freedom. Others have used it to impose sanctions on non-ally states and this has similar consequences.

We cannot therefore compare development, democracy, human rights to veto power because they are at parallels. While nations support development in their states and ally-states, they use veto powers to block the take off of other nations.

Some may want to argue that the members of the Security Council are among the wealthiest and bear a heavy financial burden on the UN, but again ask yourself who are the highest debtors of the UN and those benefiting from the bureaucracies and the white-collar administrative positions of the same institutions.

As far as democracy is concerned, veto power is a nonstarter.

To enhance world peace and development, I think the veto power and/or permanent member stuff of the UN should be scrapped and no nation and its ally or allies should claim to speak for the international community when they do not represent it.


Unfortunately, most African leaders are a bunch of cowards working in dispersed ranks and each ruler following the commands of the seen and unseen neo-colonial countries. That is why some maintain a rather useless quiet diplomacy and most meet their colonial and imperialist mentor off camera and often dance according to the tune of these mentors.

African countries must stand as a strong force against all such of oppression and work together like the European Union for better development of the continent. Inasmuch African leaders would only be interested in stashing wealth in foreign banks and countries, the continent cannot take off and it will take a serious revolution to root off these bunches of failures.

The worst thing that ever happened to humankind in my opinion was not even the holocaust, but the colonisation and notably, of the African continent. I am not in any way undermining the holocaust but the abuses and massacres caused directly and indirectly because of the colonisation are terrible. Despite the hundreds of millions killed during slave trade and colonial era, millions continue to die under neo-colonial regimes in the continent.

This is not blame game but just identifying where the real problem is. Inasmuch as we drive to improve very section of the continent be it in the technological, scientific, agricultural, economic, social and political spheres, the fight against neo-colonialism in all its form must be ruthless.

The audacity of hope is believing in yourself, in positive change, and challenging the current status quo. Attaining our dreams is using our position be it as president or, a street sweeper diligently and considering it as a mean to an end. My dream is not becoming president. It is having an influence in the life of people in what I do, write or say.

1 comment:

Forji Achalefi said...

Your point about Africa problems is a living reality. I am very please when we are recognising ouu problems- that give a beginning of hope and a relief that one day this problems will definitely see an end.
It quite impressive to get facts about situations. But the major concerns we should worry about is how ro redress and better situation.
I will like to ask you a couple of questions Mr, Agendia Aloysious- What in your opinion you think African states or nations need to do to get a unification of idea as you put. Or a common sense of direction as the European Union is working today? I am aware of the insurgence nature os Afican nations, however, there seems to more critics that contribution to redress the problems. So, what suggests do you have in mind to better place or rethink the problems of Africa. I quess it is time for Africa to wake up. But now we need solutions rather than addressing the problems. make value inputs and lets together help to build a new Africa. Africa that African will be proud to live in.
No matter how big a problem is there are potential solutions. Withoutprblems will would not be thinking of solutions. My concerns is to get solutions to africa prolems.
It join together and build Africa, Solutions rather than problems should be on the upfront of every discussion about Africa problems.
I am happy to read your blog and continue aspiriations will bring hopes together.