As we make efforts to build a society comfortable for all to live, there is the need to copy good examples and shun bad ones. I know the West is very strong at manipulating African stooges-leaders to impoverish their people and enrich the former to the silence of the complacent Western media who would prefer to focus on corruption and sufferings of Africans. That is not what we should copy though and not my bond of contention, at least for now.
Right thinking people must certainly be impressed with the way most western countries and generally, the so called developed nations make efforts to develop their country and fight for a just and equitable society for their people.
Corruption is something which is inevitable in all societies but the difference is that, while some countries make efforts at fighting corruption in their various countries while using their might to promote corruption in other countries, some leaders are themselves supporting corruption in their countries.
The recent evolution of the corruption scandals in the UK where ministers, senior government officials and MPs who abused their power and corruptly used taxpayers money is a wonderful step to follow. Some have been forced to resign, others sacked or forced to refund the money.
This is the case of British Labour MP David Chaytor who has been suspended pending investigation into money for mortgage he claimed which had already been paid.Some of President Obama's nomiminees turned down the offer because of coreutpion investigations not even charges.
This is something, which is unheard of in most developing countries and particularly,
Unlike resigning and preparing a clear stage for transparent investigations, what we have seen in
Even the current manager of Petroleum storage company (SCDP) J. P. Nguina Effa whose records state auditors judged as highly stained was maintained in his position as General of SCDP to the embarassement of milions of Cameroonians.
What is again disturbing is the position taken by some of morally bankrupt intellectuals like a senior journalist who on state television said “ In Britain ministers also steal, people should leave our ministers alone” referring to the frequent cases of corruption allegations published in the press in Cameroonian. Some may be fabricated but most of these allegations have elements of truth.
Several, if not all of Cameroonian ministers both past and present have been involved in terrible financial scandals.Even the ministers said to be championing the fight against corruption. However, none has ever bothered to resign to have his name cleared first. This has been enabled by the cultural of impunity put in place since November 1982. Magistrates and judges never resign even when it is soclear that they have acted against the law by passing judgements which are in themmselves abuses to the law and the people. MPs are not better because most are illegitimiate and even illegal respresentatives of the people.
What again make things complicated for
Their questionable extravagance, real estates ownership, automobile parks etc have never meant any thing for him. A country, whose billionaires are on the contrary, civil servants rather than hard working business executives. In a few cases of investigations, reporters are never published.
At least, inasmuch as we criticise the west, let us copy some of these good examples. Making sure that we give the best to our people and make everything transparent in the country.
Our country, our people, our continent first.
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