ENS Maroua: Mediocrity versus meritocracy in
I was again happy to read the result on the website of the French daily Le Jour. But, I was taken aback, when recently, I checked daily news online, and read that Members of Parliament, for the Grand Nord provinces, were not satisfied with the quota ; 33 percent according to Jacque Fame Ndongo, Higher Education Minister, and 14 percent according to them, accorded to the grand north.
These MPs, according to online reports, then threatened with a strike and called on the Head of State, Paul Biya to cancel the results or admit a considerable number of candidates for the grand north under what is usually called sociological composition of admitted candidates into professional schools in
To my astonishment, President Paul Biya, whom one of his minister recently said that he does not work under pressure, bowed to the pressure from the MPs and not only granted their wish, but, far beyond that, accorded more than the number of places they wanted, thereby giving them a percentage of 60 among the those enrolled this year in various fields.
Has he, who is preaching rigour and moralisation, forgotten that the said school is expected to train teachers who will thereafter train youths,
In 2006, Anglo-Saxon students in the University of Buea protested against the admission of students to the medical school in that institution who did not even sit in for the written part of the examination. Yaoundé authorities asked soldiers to opened fire on unarmed students, killing two and wounding several others in 2006. Did Biya ask himself thereafter about the sociological composition of those admitted in the school as well as similar school created in the
It really puzzles me that in virtually all professional schools in
I have always said that if Biya were to rigorously fight corruption, let him give room for meritocracy. This is because, if people were to get into the public service by merit, the degree at which they take or give bribe in the course of their duties may be minimised to the highest level. The public service will then be filled with hard working and the right people who will be able to transform our country. Everything being equal,
Mr Biya and co, please could you guys give room for meritocracy? Where are you driving our country to? There is the urgent need to stop this thing of appointing people as students in professional colleges who do not merit it.
Unfortunately too, this is merely another manifestation of the evils of our country; appointed MPs who do not even represent the will of the people but that of the political masters, appointed governors who ruled the people with colonial fists and who are there to rig elections with all impunity, and an appointed president who is there to serve neo-colonial interest and that of a few protégés in the country.
Agendia Aloysius
There are a lot of problems in Cameroon.The direction of a country is often dictated by its commander-in-chief.Biya set the tone for corruption, embezzlement,tribalism,nepotism, injustice etc, and the population is following his footprint. Biya ignores what education is capable of doing for a society like Cameroon.Opening of schools is meant to please his electorate and not predicated on boosting literacy level and social status.When the Russians launched the Sputnik in 1957, Americans blamed their own schools for not living up to expectations, and something was done. In the US, when a driver commits flagrant traffic violations, he/she is sent back to attend more driving classes.In order to curb the disturbing spread of sexually transmitted diseases in 1915,Americans turned to the school curriculum. In short, Americans have always turned to education to seek solutions on most societal problems.We all know what transpires in Cameroon.So needless to talk about what you all know.Like many others, I am ready to contribute in any way to the development of my country but I think this is not the right moment.
Hi Agendia,
Excellent article. This is one of the issues in Cameroon that has always intrigued me. This concept of 'Regional Balance' in Cameroon is like any other issue. Conceived for the right reason and executed so poorly that it ends up a complete mess.
Do I agree that it is important to have all ethnic groups represented in one way or another in the different public offices in Cameroon? Of course! However this is not what happens. Can we say that all the Barondo students in CUSS of Polytech are the best brains that this ethnic gathering has to offer? Definitely not. The real people who qualify are never taken unless they are 'related' or maybe have something to offer in return.
Today, I sincerely think (and I know many will disagree with me) that we need not bother ourselves anymore with Biya. Why? because sincerely what can we do to him? You oppose him and he will slaughter you like a chicken. What we should be worried about now is preparing hard for the post-Biya era. Sincerely how much time do you think this guy has to live? 5years maybe 7 tops. Is it really worth sacrificing human lives when it doesn't mean anything to him? (Remember February?).
This man will die soon and the generation between 25-50 should be preparing for this really diligently. When he falls we will have a window of opportunity and if we blow it, it would take decades for us to recover and do anything meaningful again.
Mark-Henry Kamga Mbahmi,
Department of Chemistry
East Tennessee State University
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